
王泓達 教授

  • 授課領域:會計學、審計學、高等審計學研討、公司治理、公司治理研討
  • 電話:校內分機 34318(第一) 16646(燕巢)
  • EMAIL:d91722001@nkust.edu.tw
  • 研究專長:公司治理、盈餘品質、公開發行與撤銷公開發行


  • 1 . 國立台灣大學 會計學研究所 博士


  • 1 . 國立高雄科技大學 會計資訊系, 專任教授, 2021~.
  • 2 . 國立高雄第一科技大學 會計資訊學系, 專任助理教授, 2008~.
  • 3 . 資誠會計事務所, 審計員與高級審計員


  • 1 . 行政院國科會補助博士生赴美國研究獎學金, 千里馬計劃, 2006.
  • 2 . 專技人員高等考試會計師及格, 1995.


  • 1 . 公司治理與資本市場實驗室


  • 1 . Ma-Ju Wang, Xuan-Qi Su, Hong-Da Wang, Yan-Shing Che, Directors’ education and corporate liquidity: Evidence from boards in Taiwan, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2017.
  • 2 . 黃國芬, 林靜香, 王泓達,“受贈不動產課徵特種貨物及勞務稅爭議問題之研究, ” 高雄應用科技大學人文與社會科學學刊, 1卷1期, 2015, pp.25~37
  • 3 . Hong-Da Wang, Chan-Jane Lin, “負債融資與盈餘管理:內部資本市場觀點, ” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 40 No. 7(SSCI), 2013, pp.842~868
  • 4 . 歐瑋明, 王泓達,“The Influence of Controllability on Compensation: A View through Data of Major League Baseball, ” International Journal of Commerce and Management , Vol. 19 No. 4(其它), 2009, pp.321~336
  • 5 . Chan-Jane Lin and Hong-Da Wang, Going Private Decision and Firm Characteristics- Evidence from Regulation Change in Taiwan, Journal of Management, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 399-417, 2007. (TSSCI)
  • 6 . Wei-Ming Ou and Hong-Da Wang, Controllability as a Moderator of the Effect of Salaries on Performance, International Journal of Management, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 657-666, 2007. (ABI/Inform)
  • 7 . 林嬋娟, 王泓達, 大型會計師事務所合併之影響-從美國GAO報告談起, 會計研究月刊, 第227期, 98-108, 2004.


  • 1 . Tai-Yuan Chen, Hong-Da Wang,會計師是否具備個人風格,2016 PCAOB/JAR conference on “Auditing and Capital Markets”,2016.10
  • 2 . 王泓達, 卓佳慶, 林嬋娟,關係人交易與企業績效--相關性多角化之中介效果,22nd Annual Global Finance Conference,2015.04
  • 3 . 王泓達, 邱瀞儀,修正式無保留意見的資訊內涵--以強調某一重大事項為例,2015前瞻會計論壇研討會,2015.06
  • 4 . 王泓達, 張蜻蘭,放寬集團上市前盈餘及關係人交易的限制與長期績效之關聯性,2014海峽兩岸財務管理學術論壇,2014.06
  • 5 . 王泓達,卓佳慶,林嬋娟,關係人交易與公司績效之關聯性:產業關聯度之中介效果,2012會計理論與實務研討會,2012.12
  • 6 . Hong-Da Wang,Chia-Ching Cho and Chan-Jane Lin,The moderating effect of business relatedness on the relationship between related party transactions and firm performance,2011 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (accepted),2011.08
  • 7 . Hong-Da Wang,Dividends as substitutes for board compensation? Evidence from various types of controlling shareholders,2011 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (accepted),2011.08
  • 8 . Hong-Da Wang,Controlling shareholders and the propensity to use dividends as substitutes for board compensation,2011 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2011),2011.07
  • 9 . 王泓達,林嬋娟,Pyramidal ownership and earnings management: Agency V.S. Internal capital market perspectives,2009年會計理論與實務研討會,2009.12
  • 10 . 王泓達,林嬋娟 ,Pyramidal ownership and earnings management: Agency V.S. Internal capital market perspectives ,2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting,2010.07
  • 11 . 王泓達,卓佳慶,林嬋娟 ,The moderating effect of business relatedness on the relationship between related party transactions and firm performance ,2010會計與資訊科技國際研討會(2010ICAIT)」,2010.07
  • 12 . 王泓達,卓佳慶,林嬋娟 ,The moderating effect of business relatedness on the relationship between related party transactions and firm performance,2010台灣財務金融學會年會暨中部財金學術聯盟研討會,2010.05
  • 13 . 王泓達,林嬋娟,Is The Control-Ownership Deviation Always "Parasites"? Evidence From Family Firms and Earnings Management,The16th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets,2008.12
  • 14 . 王泓達,林嬋娟 ,Is the control-ownership deviation always “parasites”? Evidence from family firms and earnings management,2008年會計理論與實務研討會,2008.12
  • 15 . 王泓達,林嬋娟 ,Is the control-ownership deviation always “parasites”? Evidence from control-enhancing organizations and earnings management,MDIS2009 International Conference on Market Development and Investment Strategies,2009.01
  • 16 . 歐瑋明, 王泓達,The effects of controllability on compensation: An empirical study,第四屆海峽兩岸組織行為與人才開發學術研討會,2006.11
  • 17 . 歐瑋明, 王泓達,Salaries and performance: A view through data of Major League Baseball,第四屆海峽兩岸組織行為與人才開發學術研討會,2006.11
  • 18 . 歐瑋明, 王泓達,THE INFLUENCE OF CONTROLLABILITY ON COMPENSATION: A VIEW THROUGH DATA,Hawaii International Conference on Business,2007.05
  • 19 . 歐瑋明, 王泓達,The relationship between salaries and performance: An empirical study,人力資源發展與策略國際研討會,2006.09
  • 20 . 林嬋娟, 王泓達,Why do firms go private? Evidence from regulation change in Taiwan,Emerging Issues in International Accounting and Business,2006.07
  • 21 . 林嬋娟, 王泓達,我國企業撤銷公開發行之研究,會計理論與實務研討會,2005.12
  • 22 . 林嬋娟, 王泓達,Why do firms go private? Evidence from regulation change in Taiwan,Emerging Issues in International Accounting and Business,1990.08